Forklift Operator Training

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June 14, 2017
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Forklift Operator Workshop
Operator Certification Course
Certificates are valid for 3 years in CA

Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Location: Kingsburg Joint Union High School
District, Kingsburg, CA
Address & Room TBD


Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Location: Selma Unified School District
3036 Thompson Ave, Selma, CA

Time: 8:00 am – 10:30 am (Classroom)
(Late arrivals greater than 10 minutes will not be allowed to take the course.)

Evaluations: Hands-on evaluations are required for certification and will be
conducted immediately following the classroom presentation at each individual
district on the district forklift. Times will be determined the day of training.

RSVP: at least two weeks prior to course. Number of
participants is limited.

OSHA estimates that about a million forklifts are used by about 1.5 million employees and that forklift accidents
account for 100 deaths and 95,000 injuries each year. OSHA’s standard on powered industrial trucks has specific
requirements for operator training (Title 8, 3668 Cal-OSHA) that requires a combination of formal training
(classroom, videos, etc.) with practical instruction, as well as an evaluation and certification process. The standard
specifies a long list of required training topics. Once and operator is trained, a refresher training and evaluation is
required least every three years and more often for operators who have a record of accidents or near-hits, new
equipment or if work conditions change. FS&T’s certified forklift training program helps employers reduce the risk
of injury, death, or property damage caused by forklift accidents. This training program is designed to ensure
compliance with the OSHA and Cal-OSHA forklift regulations.

Selma Unifed School District
3036 Thompson Avenue, Selma, CA 93662 (559) 898-6500