Forklift Operator Certification Workshop (for “New” Operators)

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November 28, 2017 - November 28, 2017
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Registration is now open for the following Safety Training Workshop in November. Please forward to the appropriate staff:
Forklift Operator Certification Workshop (for “New” Operators)
November 28, 2017 from 8:00am – 10:30am (hands-on evaluation following classroom training)

Kerman USD Library Media Center next to Warehouse – 207 S. First Street, Kerman CA

***Note: Refresher training is required every three years; however, you do not need to have employees take the initial certification class over again. (Please see the attached forklift refresher requirements). If you have any employees who need refresher training, please let me know.
You may register employees by emailing, at least two weeks prior. Space is limited. There is no cost for OSS & FCSIG members. Additional information is available on the attached flyers and on the OSS & FCSIG websites.

Forklift Flyer 2017 Kerman